Sunday, June 30, 2013

Updates!!! Almond oil & Rose Water

I have used Almond Oil every day as a moisturiser for just over 2 weeks now & all i can say is WOW!!

Every night after a shower or bath i have opened my fridge and pulled out this inexpensive all natural oil and applied it all over my body like a moisturiser. 

My legs feel so smooth I have no dry patches on my shins. My body feels and looks hydrated, even Chris has commented on it! 
The oil absorbs really fast meaning i can dress straight away which is a huge bonus for me as I hate feeling clammy & hate it when clothes stick to me when normal moisturiser is applied. 

I'm really pleased with this product. I will be using this from now on. Goodbye Clarins, Hello Almond oil. My purse will be happy.

Now my Rose Water results.

I have been applying this to my face every morning before make up for a little over 2 weeks now and I am so happy.
I'm a Johnny come lately when it comes to anti ageing lotions and potions. Rose water users swear by its anti ageing properties and also its unbelievable 'glow' it gives you.
I can back this 'glow' up 100% i have looked radiant (if i do say so myself) after applying this. My work colleagues have even mentioned it. 
 I apply it under foundation then use a little powder to absorb some of the oil. I found without the powder my face was too shiny for my liking although not greasy looking. Some people suit this look and strive to find a radiance balm to achieve this, if you are one of these people, look no further Rose Water is here to save the day.
 My skin is clearer, it looks really really clean, like I have had a facial every day! 
 I use Star Kay White Rose Water which lists alcohol as an ingredient which for me seems to work with my combination skin however searching for one that works for your own skin type would be advised, there are lots out there. Just find what works for you and give it a go! It's cost effective, smells amazing and gives you a 'just been in a spa all day' look in less than 30 seconds. 

My previous blogs give greater detail on both these products. I hope my blogs help you find something that works for you and gives you the confidence boost we all need from a really good product to feel better about ourselves. They don't all have to come with a big price tag 

x Charlie x

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Coming soon!!

This weekend i will be writing about and updating you on;

๐ŸŒธ what's happened to my skin after using Almond oil as a moisturiser.

๐ŸŒธ A new lip scrub I've been testing, homemade of course!

๐ŸŒธ Updates on how my face is feeling after applying rose water evert morning.

๐ŸŒธ I will be trying a new homemade facial 

๐ŸŒธ My weekly hair mask, I haven't decided which one to go for yet.

So please keep reading my blogs for updates. If things i try don't work i will tell you! Don't be afraid to ask me to try something or review something i will be happy to do it x Charlie x

    I'm not a........

Friday, June 21, 2013

Avocado, Almond Oil, Honey & Lemon Juice Face Mask

Having looked online for the best natural ingredients for face masks the ones above seemed to be mentioned the most although i never came across one that mixed them all together....... I used a whole avocado and threw in the other ingredients according to what I felt was the right amount. 
 A small amount of lemon juice, a table spoon or so almond oil & a good dollop of honey.

The mixture was a kind of greenish brown sludge colour which wasn't attractive but it smelt sweet and fresh.

I ran a bath with lavender oil ready for a relaxing wind down then smoothed the mixture over my face, I smoothed it right up to my hairline, I assume this mask would make a good hair mask too but having used a hot Almond Oil treatment last night i thought I would make this again next week for my hair to see what happens.

After ten or 15 mins i washed it off. My skin felt soft, clean and plumped. This was over an hour ago, my skin looks moisturised, soft and even which is unlike my skin, after a bath or shower my skin always goes blotchy due to the heat for a few hours. Maybe the moisture from the avocado helped calm my skin down. 

๐Ÿ  Avocados contain purifiers which draw out bacteria from your pores. They contain vitamin E which is great for skin.

๐Ÿฏ The honey is antibacterial, hygroscopic (water retaining) and full of antioxidants.

 ๐Ÿ‹The lemon juice is a good astringent but i would advise to only use lemon on your face on a night because it may react with the sun during the day drying your skin out, especially if you have sensitive skin. Lemon juice is great for oily skin.

๐ŸŒฐAlmond Oil is anti ageing, reduces dark circles & gives your face a great glow.

Avocados are also yummy to eat and very good for you containing GOOD fats so you WON'T put on weight by eating half on a morning for breakfast. Research shows they can actually help you lose weight so please eat this superfood and don't be afraid of their 'fat' content. These fats are good!!! 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

DIY Homemade Beauty Treatments : Experimenting

DIY Homemade Beauty Treatments : Experimenting: Well, I recently visited a spa in Belfast, Galgorm Resort & Spa, (go, seriously go!!!) the spa has changed my life. I have new found fai...

Almond oil! Skin, hair, wrinkles, dark circles the list is endless but does it work?

After reading many an article on Almond oil I had to give it a go.

I suffer with dark circles under my eyes and read this miracle oil could put an end to my Uncle Fester peepers. I also have dry hair if i don't use oil on it, I have been using Moroccan oil daily which you don't need me to tell you is an expensive essential to need. Almond oil claims to cure this with just one treatment a week.

Here is a list of some of the endless claims of Almond Oil benefits:

* Hair treatment - heat enough to cover your hair in the microwave till it is WARM not scalding, oil heats very quickly so i would suggest checking every ten seconds to avoid burns.

* dark circles - rub a small amount of oil under your eyes before bed, also good for wrinkles.

Improves complexion and gives a glow 

* Moisturises skin better than chemically adapted creams 

* Soothes skin irritation and inflammation such as eczema and psoriasis, also great for dry skin. You can apply Almond Oil to your whole body. 

* Anti ageing which means it can be applied to the whole face and not just eyes

* Makes it smooth and soft 

* Cures chapped lips and body rashes. I will make a lip scrub using sugar & Almond Oil some day soon (and review it) 

* Moisturises hair and smoothes hair cuticles 

* Makes hair strong and thick and glossy

* Controls hair loss and is good for thin hair and thinning hair.

Sounds too good to be true for something you'll get change from a fiver. 

I bought KTC Almond Oil 

This is inexpensive £2.00 from Tesco for 300 ml!! A lot cheaper than Moroccan oil, £30 for 100ml.

I am about to embark on my first test with Almond Oil. This may be hard to hide from Chris as i need to sit with a warm towel on my head for 40mins whilst the oil penetrates my hair, but he won't know it's on my dark circles or body.  

⏰ Give me an hour & I'll report back ⏰

1 hour later........

I have successfully washed this out my hair, you have to make sure shampoo lathers your full head so apply a little to the nape of your neck and work the underneath of your hair too and the skin where the oil has touched to avoid greasy hair.

The first thing i noticed when applying is it is a lot less drippy than olive oil which I have used a few times as a hot oil treatment, olive oil used to be running down my face and down my back so I'm assuming almond oil absorbs a lot quicker. It also washes out a lot better too, olive oil used to take a good few shampoos to get rid of which really irritated me because I felt like i was using something natural to treat it then putting chemicals on my hair 3 times more than normal to get it out. 
I conditioned after using my normal conditioner.
My hair is still damp but upon touching it i can tell its not greasy but definitely healthier. 

I applied the oil to my legs, arms and body with my hands straight after drying and it absorbed immediately. I haven't even washed it off my hands because there is no greasy residue on them at all.

I applied more to my shins than anywhere on my body as this is my only dry area, having just felt them now i am completely gob smacked. They are extremely silky smooth, not greasy and glowing. 

I don't have shares in this product but i wish I did.

I am hoping this is a great body moisturiser that lasts as i use Clarins extra firming body cream which is £36 from Debenhams. I admit this would take some beating as it is an amazing moisturiser and it smells, feels and looks amazing. You feel moisturised all day, but if it means saving £34 a month with the same results then that would make me smile. Almond oil could save me an extra £28 a month if it works better than Moroccan oil too, in total saving me £64 a month!!! Surely it can't be that good. 

Rose water!!! Please read, then try, then be amazed!!!!

I couldn't wait to get home from Manchester where I seen Beady Eye to write this blog.

After reading Rose Water was good for your skin I ransacked my local supermarket and bought the only type they sell, Star Kay White Rose Water. I was quite disheartened to find the only product they sold was 50% alcohol but as it was all i could get i bought it anyway. It is supposed to be used as a food flavouring agent.

Rose Water is good for your skin in numerous way.

* toner

* moisturiser

* gives a glowing dewy appearance

* Anti ageing 

* Anti inflammatory 

* Some people claim it reduces damage caused by the sun

* Reduces redness

* Reduces blemishes

* Tightens pores

I came home and researched it online to see if my alcohol rose water potion was just going to waste away on my shelf or if there was actually something i could do with it.

I found that on a few forums people were actually recommending the alcohol one for oily or combination skin so i immediately slapped it on my face.
The first thing that struck me was the smell, it smells really amazing, like a rose garden.
The second was that it was slightly oily for an alcohol based product. The ingredients are 
Alcohol (50% by volume),Propylene Glycol (Humectant) ,Natural Rose Oil (<1% by volume) so it does contain oil.
I applied my make up over the top as normal and it went on really smoothly, I was slightly worried that my make up would slide off but it never.

Today is my 4th day using it and oh my god, what a difference to my skin this has made!!!

I said earlier i had been to see Beady Eye, Liam Gallaghers band, well I was lucky enough to nab front row, I was worried being surrounded by loads of sweaty boys that my make up would be running down my top, especially after two hours. 

But it didn't!! My foundation (Pixi Beauty Fluid) stayed in place, it didn't budge, I was amazed. My skin felt clean still and when I got in and took it off with make up wipes it glided off easier and I could still smell the rose aroma.

I am so impressed with this product I will be ordering pure Rose Water online to see if this has the same or better effect, even though my skin feels moisturised and dry I'm a little concerned about the alcohol content, however I will keep using this till the other turns up and if it doesn't work out i will switch back to this.

It's a miracle product for me so far. 10/10 and its cheap, £3.99 from Tesco. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Honey & Lemon face scrub

This is just a quick easy one for your face. 

The lemon juice will reduce pores, brighten up your face, remove oil & grime leaving you with a glowing  complexion.  The honey is a great moisturiser and will fight infections and spots.

I tried this last night, my boyfriend didn't notice any change or if he did he didn't say anything (remember I test these recipes without him knowing so i can find out if they really do make a difference)
I liked the smell and the way it felt on my face, the lemon juice kind of melted the honey. This was really easy to wash off, not messy at all and very quick. 

I didn't see any difference last night at all but this morning my make up went on much better, my face felt smoother and it has done all day so I give this a big thumbs up.


Monday, June 17, 2013


Well, I recently visited a spa in Belfast, Galgorm Resort & Spa, (go, seriously go!!!) the spa has changed my life. I have new found faith in the power of beauty products. Whether they be homemade or over the counter, I firmly believe you CAN change your hair and skin to be silky smooth, glowing and flawless.
 As soon as i got home yesterday I tucked myself away in a corner and trawled the Internet for externally applied beauty recipes. I found like a gazillion of them.
 I started with recipes that i already had in the house. I decided on an olive oil, honey & lavender essential oil salt scrub. Easy!

I used an old Disaronno bottle to store it. 


*use a funnel to pour in normal table salt

*add about 10 drops of your preferred essential oil (depending on how much you make)

*shake it!!! Then pour in olive oil so that the mixture runny enough to come out the bottle but not watery.

*Then squeeze in some honey, I used organic clear honey.

*shake it!!! And you're done! 

It's that easy, it's that cheap & it smells amazing.

After i had my mixture ready i ran a bath and added a few drops of the lavender oil for extra relaxation. 

The results were amazing. My skin is normal with a small amount of dry skin on my shins. The scrub removed rough parts of my skin whilst the oil moisturised and restored any extra dryness caused by the salt. 

I wanted to know exactly how much of a difference this had made so i kept my experiment to myself and didnt tell my boyfriend Chris to see if he noticed anything.
After drying and dressing i went downstairs and laid my legs across him. His first comment was that i smelled really nice 'like flowers and stuff' were his exact words. His second comment was ' your legs are dead smooth' i see this as a huge result, Chris isn't the type of person to recognise skin changes, he is an avid smeller though so i give this homemade scrub 10/10 
It wasnt messy to make, it wasnt hard to make, it was cheap and smells great. I won't buy a salt scrub ever again, not when I can make my own, know exactly whats in it and get the same if not better results! 

Try it!!